It’s a cruel, cruel summer, like the 80s song goes, and everywhere from Oregon to Montana to New York City can experience big problems this year with blackouts taking out the AC and making homes and businesses into sweatboxes more often than ever before. In the west, wildfires have burned three times the acreage this year as compared to last year at this time. So, the family medic better be prepared to deal with heat-related illness. Dr. Joe Alton and Nurse Practitioner Amy Alton discuss heat wave safety, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, first- and second-degree burns, and sun protection.

Also, Nurse Amy discusses one of her favorite natural products, raw unprocessed honey as well as its medicinal benefits. This stuff is good for you! All this and more on the Survival Medicine Podcast with Joe Alton MD and Amy Alton, APRN.

Wishing you the best of health in good times or bad,

Joe and Amy

Hey, we're coming out, after five years, with a new expanded and revised edition of the Survival Medicine Handbook! Check out the details at Also, new kits for eye care, labor and delivery, and more!