In this episode of the Survival Medicine Hour, Joe Alton, MD (Dr. Bones) and Amy Alton, ARNP (Nurse Amy) examine Sulfa drug antibiotics as an option in survival settings. One of the first antibiotics, sulfa has been credited with saving the lives of tens of thousands in WWII, including Winston Churchill himself, and still has applications today in good or bad times.

Also, the herb Uva Ursi may have some use in urinary tract infections, one of the medical issues that sulfa drugs are effective for. Find out more about this herb in Nurse Amy's segment on natural remedies.

Plus, Dr. Bones discusses what disasters are most responsible for deaths in the U.S. over the last 40 years. The answers will definitiely surprise you!

All this and more on the latest Survival Medicine Hour with Joe and Amy Alton!

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