You may think that preparedness is purely an American passion but there are folks from all over the world that contact us to ask questions or tell us about their medical preps. One of these is our good friend Tom, who lives in Germany and volunteers with a first responder team. Joe Alton talks a little about his volunteer medical team and wonders why we don't have the same here.

It’s been a good long time since we’ve talked about radiation exposure and nuclear detonations and other stuff that preparedness folk are concerned about. But with Russia and China getting more aggressive, the risks of a nuclear confrontation aren’t zero. In fact, the Doomsday clock put us at 2 minutes to midnight and, as they say, the clock is ticking.

Most people associate use of nuclear weapons with devastating outcomes. That’s pretty reasonable. Few, however, know much about the different types and their actual effects. The Altons talk about the types of weapons, their effects, and concentrate on radiation exposure and what to do about it when it happens, and maybe prevent it.

Plus, a question from Jack Spirko's Survival Podcast Expert Council about the usability and effectiveness of expired Epipens. Joe Alton MD's answer might surprise you!

All this and more on the latest episode of The Survival Medicine Hour with Joe and Amy Alton

Hey, don't forget to get a copy of the Alton's latest book "Alton's Antibiotics and Infectious Disease", a book that talks all about bacterial infections and antibiotics for your medical storage that can help deal with them off the grid.  Plus, Nurse Amy's entire line of medical kits has one that's perfect for you!