The Survival Medicine Hour with your hosts Joe Alton, MD aka Dr. Bones and Amy Alton, ARNP, aka Nurse Amy discuss Protest Safety, How to survive a capsized boat or cold water emersion, and part one of a series on allergies. Our website is a source for these and other topics

Getting caught in the middle of the crowd in the frenzy of protesting could be dangerous, especially if you are wearing anything that identifies you are their "enemy", knowing how to extricate yourself and be the grayman can help you stay safe. Don't approach police officers in riot gear, thay are focused on getting the crowd under control and could mistake you for a rioter. Try to stay with friends and escape as quickly as possible.

If you find yourself in "deep" water due to a capsized boat or other water incident causing you to be starnded in water, the first step is to try and stay calm. Always wear a life jacket if possible while boating, which enables you to stay warmer since you don't have to kick or try to swim to keep your head above the water. If any debris is nearby, try to elevate some of your body out of the water. Important steps to take are presented in the show today.

An immune reaction against an allergen occurs when it is encountered the first time, and may cause little to no reaction at all. The second exposure to this allergen is when the allergic cascade of symptoms and reactions are seen. Allergic reactions may appear in various forms. Part one of this allergie series is discussed on today's show.