The use of tourniquets to control bleeding has been in use for centuries, sometimes praised and sometimes reviled as a tool of the devil. We learned a few very painful lessons, though, in Iraq and Afghanistan, and now we believe that tourniquets save lives that would otherwise be lost to hemorrhage. In civilian life, the rapid and effective use of a tourniquet by those at the scene gives valuable time for emergency medical personnel  to arrive. Now, the TCCC committee has widened the range of options acceptable when it comes to tourniquets for the effective control of bleeding. Dr. Alton discusses the additions and more...

Also, Nurse Amy is asked by a listener about the differences with regards to different types of face masks. She explains each one and what you should have in your medical storage generally and in times of epidemics.

The Altons also go into detail about how to treat fractures, both on and off the grid: The importance of "reducing" the deformity caused by the fracture, realigning broken ends of bone, and even placing a cast!

All this and more on the Survival Medicine Hour with Joe and Amy Alton, aka Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy!

Wishing you the best of health in good times or bad,

Joe Alton MD and Amy Alton ARNP

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