Today, we have advanced laboratory studies that allow identification of many pathogens. Despite this, it can be a challenge for healthcare providers to tell a bacterial disease from a viral one. Bacteria and virus can attack the same organ systems.

For example, pneumonia can be bacterial or viral. Both produce similar symptoms like cough and fever. From a diagnosis standpoint, it can be difficult to tell the difference even in normal times. Joe Alton MD and Amy Alton ARNP discuss how to tell the difference, empirical vs definitive therapy, and some signs of specific bacterial pneumonias.

It goes without saying that, as group medic, you will be responsible for the medical well-being of your survival community. But what does that mean? It means that, as well as being the Chief Medical Officer, that you will be responsible for sanitation, water disinfection, proper food preparation, and much more. Joe discusses important aspects of medic duties that may determine the failure or success of a survival group.

All this and much more on the latest Survival Medicine Hour with Joe and Amy Alton!

Don't forget to check out the Altons' books, DVDs, medical kits and individual supplies at! Their new book "Alton's Antibiotics and Infectious Disease: The Layman's Guide to Available Antibacterials in Austere Settings" is available at