An outbreak of plague in Madagascar has killed 124 people and infected 1200. Although not an uncommon occurrence in the rural areas, this epidemic has hit the larger cities in the island nation, and is the deadlier version called "pneumonic plague". Pneumonic plague can be cured if found very early but if not, invariably results in death. Dr. Alton tells you all about bubonic, pneumonic, and septicemic plague and what the off-grid medic could do to prevent this terrible infectious disease from running rampant.

Also, inflammation of the liver, called "hepatitis", is caused by various viruses which are harder to cure than a bacteria like what causes the plague. There are several types of hepatitis, and it's important to know what to do to avoid becoming a victim of it. Symptoms, diagnosis, and prevention are discussed by our hosts Joe Alton MD and Amy Alton ARNP.

Plus, we start a series on pain issues, discussing different types of pain and also the government's categorization of drugs into "schedules" from 1-5.

All this and more in the latest episode of The Survival Medicine Hour with Joe and Amy Alton!

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