Does the "lone wolf" have an advantage or disadvantage in situations where you're knocked off the grid and long term survival is not a sure thing? Joe Alton MD and Amy Alton ARNP discuss the importance of community in tough times, even if it's just an extended family.

Plus, after discussing first and second degree burns last week, Dr. Alton, aka Dr. Bones, tackles third degree burns, a difficult challenge for the survival medic, as well as natural burn remedies that might help speed recovery for some of the injured.

Lastly, minor conditions like ingrown toenails may not seem like much to those who watch The Walking Dead, but they're a major impediment to work efficiency. Not being able to take a step without pain isn't likely to increase your chances for survival. Dr. Alton talks about what can be done to prevent and treat this condition off the grid.

Wishing you the best of health in good times or bad!

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