Last week on the Survival Medicine Hour podcast, Joe Alton MD and Amy Alton ARNP talked about some basics on sprains, strains, and fractures, and this week they continue the subject, especially how to tell the difference between a sprain and a fracture, including something called the Ottawa Rules. The Ottawa Rules were meant to discourage unnecessary x-rays, but also have applications towards off-grid situations like survival scenarios.

Plus, Joe and Amy talk about headaches, sometimes an annoyance but sometimes a sign of a real medical issue and life-threatening event. Find out about the various types of headaches, how to identify them, treatments both conventional and natural, and some medical illnesses that headaches might be a sign of.

All this and more in the latest episode of The Survival Medicine Hour with Joe and Amy Alton!


Follow Joe and Amy on Twitter @preppershow; Facebook at Doom and Bloom(tm) page

and YouTube at drbones nurseamy channel! Also, check out their books, DVDs and medical kits at!