In this episode of The Survival Medicine Podcast, Dr. Joe Alton and Nurse Practitioner Amy Alton discuss the importance of the medic knowing their role and job description in times of trouble, plus how to decide the types and number of medical supplies should be in your storage. 

Also, the train derailment in Ohio last month caused a major chemical spill. Would you know what to do if 115,000 gallons of vinyl chloride were thrown at you from a train. Dr. Joe Alton tells you what you need to know.

Plus, Nurse Amy discuss the medical uses of thyme as a natural remedies when the commercial medications run out.

All this and more on the latest Survival Medicine Podcast with Joe and Amy Alton!

Check out our Stomp Supreme to get an idea of what the serious medic might need in a long-term off-grid scenario without hope of medevac, plus our other kits, many one-of-a-kind, at Learn about the medical supplies you’ll need in times or trouble and 200 other medical topics in disaster settings in the award-winning 4th edition of The Survival Medicine Handbook: The Essential Guide For When Help Is NOT On The Way...