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When modern medical care isn’t available, many deaths would be prevented by the availability of antibiotics in your disaster medicine cabinet. Indeed, you should consider having a supply of these drugs in your storage if you believe a disaster may occur that takes away your access to modern medical care. If you use antibiotics for every minor ailment that comes along, however, you will run out very quickly and may contribute to an epidemic of antibiotic resistance caused by overuse.Joe Alton MD and Amy Alton ARNP discuss why the liberal use of antibiotics is not a great idea.

Joe and Amy's upcoming book "Alton's Antibiotics and Infectious Disease" is in formatting and will be out next month. Find out what you'll learn that might save lives in times of trouble.

Even in bad times, people (I should say, women) get pregnant; maybe more often if some long term event eliminates the availability of bc pills and other products that prevent pregnancies. There also won’t be much in the line of baby formula, so we’ll be feeding our babies the old-fashioned way, with breast milk. Breastfeeding is also called lactation, and it doesn’t always go smoothly. Learn how to identify medical issues related to nursing and treatments that help.

All this and more on the Survival Medicine Hour podcast with Joe and Amy Alton!

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