Previous Episode: Drones & A Hack Attack
Next Episode: A Capitol Affair

On this episode, Albert, Liz, and Ali talk about the best and worst things that happened in the world of privacy, data, and surveillance tech in 2020. 

The Good

POST Act, Santa Cruz  banning predictive policing, Additional Facial recognition bans (NY Schools, Boston, Etc.), Bipartisan Congressional attention to facial recognition, Anti-trust suits against Google & FB, Widespread adoption of Signal during BLM demos, Additional BIPA litigation including against Clearview AI, and the Chicago Geofence warrant decision

The Bad

Clearview story broke in January and revelations of alt right connection, NYPD's robotic dog, Revelations about Baltimore surveillance planes, CBP drone over BLM protests, Solarwinds, White house AI regulation that doesn't do anything and requires "economic impact statements", Elon Musk debuts Neuralink that can write to brains.

And for 'Stranger than Science Fiction,' we talk about the strange series called 'Years and Years,' set just after Trump's fictionalized second term.