Whether a defendant in a patent infringement action who assigned the patent, or is in privity with an assignor of the patent, may have a defense of invalidity heard on the merits.

DateProceedings and Orders (key to color coding)
Sep 30 2020 | Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due November 5, 2020)
Oct 14 2020 | Blanket Consent filed by Petitioner, Minerva Surgical, Inc.
Nov 05 2020 | Brief of respondents Hologic, Inc., et al. in opposition filed.
Nov 05 2020 | Brief amici curiae of Intellectual Property Professors filed.
Nov 05 2020 | Brief amicus curiae of Engine Advocacy filed.
Nov 24 2020 | DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 12/11/2020.
Nov 24 2020 | Rescheduled.
Nov 24 2020 | Reply of petitioner Minerva Surgical, Inc. filed.
Dec 09 2020 | DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 1/8/2021.
Jan 08 2021 | Petition GRANTED.
Feb 22 2021 | Brief of petitioner Minerva Surgical, Inc. filed.
Feb 22 2021 | Joint appendix volumes 1 and 2 with supplemental appendix filed. (Statement of costs filed)
Feb 22 2021 | Blanket Consent filed by Petitioner, Minerva Surgical, Inc.
Feb 25 2021 | Brief amicus curiae of New York Intellectual Property Law Association in support of neither party filed.
Feb 26 2021 | Brief amicus curiae of Engine Advocacy filed.
Mar 01 2021 | Brief amici curiae of Intellectual Property Law Professors filed.
Mar 01 2021 | Brief amicus curiae of Intellectual Property Owners Association filed in support of neither party.
Mar 01 2021 | Brief amicus curiae of American Intellectual Property Law Association filed in support of neither party.
Mar 01 2021 | Brief amicus curiae of United States in support of neither party filed.
Mar 01 2021 | Brief amicus curiae of New York City Bar Association in support of neither party filed.
Mar 12 2021 | SET FOR ARGUMENT on Wednesday, April 21, 2021.
Mar 15 2021 | Record requested.
Mar 24 2021 | Brief of respondents Hologic, Inc., et al. filed.
Mar 26 2021 | Motion of the Acting Solicitor General for leave to participate in oral argument as amicus curiae and for divided argument filed.
Mar 30 2021 | CIRCULATED
Mar 31 2021 | Brief amicus curiae of United Therapeutics Corp. filed. (Distributed)
Mar 31 2021 | Brief amicus curiae of Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America filed. (Distributed)
Mar 31 2021 | Brief amici curiae of Leading Technology Composites, Inc. and Clarkwestern Dietrich Building Systems LLC filed. (Distributed)
Apr 05 2021 | Motion of the Acting Solicitor General for leave to participate in oral argument as amicus curiae and for divided argument GRANTED.
Apr 07 2021 | Reply of petitioner Minerva Surgical, Inc. filed. (Distributed)
Apr 21 2021 | Argued. For petitioner: Robert N. Hochman, Chicago, Ill. For United States, as amicus curiae: Morgan L. Ratner, Assistant to the Solicitor General, Department of Justice, Washington, D. C. For respondents: Matthew M. Wolf, Washington, D. C.

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