Dr. Jameson Mercier and his wife, Herdyne Mercier, are not your average counselors. Dr. Mercier specializes in Marriage/Family Therapy, fatherhood and Relationship Systems Consulting.

Mrs. Mercier is driven by her passion to educate children and help current wives and wives-tobe turn their love story into reality. Their work with couples and families comes from a place of personal experiences and triumphs as they’ve been together for over 15 years, raise 4 kids, and run a business together.

Dr. and Mrs. Mercier believe that with the right skills every couple can have the happy, healthy, relationship they desire. Together, they have made it their purpose to equip couples and families with the tools to make that dream a reality.

To learn more about the Merciers, click the links below:

@thewifementor and @dr.jamesonmercier on Instagram