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Sylvia Spruck Wrigley is a german-american Science Fiction critique & writer specialized on aviation. She is currently working on a super interesting project: a list of Science Fiction literature that features old women as major characters. Spoiler: there are very, very few.

Superscience Snippet Special

For Superscience Me Sylvia talks about her hunt for such SF books and about her previous findings. Spoiler: There are the strangest correlations; for example if you are an old women in a SF novel, you are likely to be a politician and/or a bodysnatcher; if you are black, female AND old, you are likely to have survived the apocalypse.

Find Sylvia's work on her Website, where you can also sign up for the "Old Women in SF"-Mailing List & on Twitter. If you can think of any SF that features old women, contact her and add to the list!

I met Sylvia at the Conference "Worlding SF" in Graz last december, where she presented the first findings of the list-project under the amazing title "Throw Grandma out the Airlock". More on this great conference and all the "SF Worlds" that where presented there you find in our 16th episode.

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