This week, host Dylan Roth (@DylanRoth) and returning guests Tracie Mauk (@Maukingbird) and Yen Nguyen (@yenissober) discuss Dreamworks Animation’s Megamind, Silver Age Superman, male entitlement complexes, jock rocking in a cape, and more! Here’s a link to the Nostalgia Chick episode mentioned in the episode. Read More ...

“Five Characters in Search of an Exit”

This week, host Dylan Roth (@DylanRoth) and returning guests Tracie Mauk (@Maukingbird) and Yen Nguyen (@yenissober) discuss Dreamworks Animation’s Megamind, Silver Age Superman, male entitlement complexes, jock rocking in a cape, and more!

Here’s a link to the Nostalgia Chick episode mentioned in the episode.

Next week: Spider-Man!

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Post By Dylan Roth (14 Posts)

Deadshirt Editor-In-Chief. Writer of comics, songs, and rants. Collector of talented friends. Walking hideous geek/hipster stereotype. Aspiring Muppet.

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