Some motherfuckers (in this case Dylan Roth, Cameron DeOrdio, and Jen Overstreet) try to podcast uphill, as they wander into the blood-soaked majesty of Marvel & New Line's Blade. Read More ...

Some motherfuckers are always trying to podcast uphill. (New Line)

This week on Supers On Screen, Deadshirt’s weekly podcast about superhero movies, host Dylan Roth (@DylanRoth) and guests Cameron DeOrdio (@StopGrammarTime) and Jen Overstreet (@streetoverjen) wander into the blood-soaked majesty of Marvel and New Line Cinema’s Blade, the movie that served as the harbinger for the 2000s superhero boom. Topics include recursive vampire lore, carrying swords in public, and having a stepdad for an arch enemy.

Check out previous episodes!

001 – X-Men with Michael Fiorilla & Dominic Griffin

002 – Batman with Chris Antzoulis & Luke Herr

003 – The Incredibles with Max Robinson & David Uzumeri

Post By Dylan Roth (14 Posts)

Deadshirt Editor-In-Chief. Writer of comics, songs, and rants. Collector of talented friends. Walking hideous geek/hipster stereotype. Aspiring Muppet.

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