Joining us this Thursday Director / Assciate Producer Christopher Petry promoting MARILYN starring Allison Mack.

Christopher Petry was an Associate Producer on Smallville and one of the Directors of the series. He contacted us to let the Smallville fans know about an indi movie Christopher and Allison Mack made a few years back. They are releasing the film via a streaming rental and Download.

Christopher and Allison could use any help from the Smallville community to support the film. Join us this Thursday night as we will have Christopher Petry and possibly Allison Mack as we ask them questions about their movie titled Marilyn. See film description below:

Before his passing in 2007, Patrick “Paddy” Mitchell became one of the most famous bank robbers in North America. Written while incarcerated in Leavenworth Prison, Marilyn is a beautiful and raw story based on one of Paddy’s adventures.

Michael Grant is one of the most successful and sought after people in his field. If he weren’t an escaped convict robbing banks for a living, he’d probably enjoy his notoriety. ?While on the lam and robbing banks for enough money to keep afloat, Michael meets and falls in love with a much younger woman also on the run from the law – the beautiful, uninhibited Marilyn. As they find themselves punched in the eye by love at the most inopportune time, both Michael and Marilyn start reevaluating everything they once thought important.?