Previous Episode: Episode 7: Downpour
Next Episode: Episode 8: Soloists

Audio Transcript:


Summary of Updates

- SuperIdols! RPG episode 8 is delayed to November 7th.

- Editing on Mahou Profile is being prioritized so that it can be finished before the end of the month.

- Join the Magical Stage Discord! Link here:

- Support SuperIdols and Mahou Profile on Patreon here:

- Michelle and Maria have had to step back from SuperIdols due to other obligations. We are currently in talks to bring on a new player character and are always on the lookout for guest players. We're especially hoping to highlight more BIPOC members of the TTRPG and podcasting communities, so if that's you and you want to guest on SuperIdols in the future, contact us on Twitter @SuperIdolsRPG or email [email protected].

- Check out Maria's games (including Hero Too) on! Link here: