Dr. David Haase is the Founder and President of the MaxWell Clinic. He is passionate about finding and addressing the complex interacting underlying causes of disease and thereby nurturing the Creation of Health. He is a renowned medical educator who trained at Vanderbilt and the Mayo Clinic. His expertise covers a wide range of specialties from personalized computational systems medicine, brain performance optimization, and more. Dr. Haase is also the author of the best selling book Curiosity Heals The Human.

Dr. Haase once presented a TED talk in which he described how treating dementia starts by changing our paradigms about health and disease. He has been neck-deep for the last few months in the whole Coronavirus pandemic as he serves on the advisory board for one of the largest medical testing labs involved in COVID-19.

In this episode…

The healthcare system is overly focused on disease treatment and has almost completely ignored the promotion of health and wellness. This imbalance has created a dysfunctional healthcare system, leading many to  lose sight of what it truly means to be healthy and to live a healthy lifestyle. According to Dr. David Haase, this dysfunctionality in health care is the reason why the COVID-19 pandemic has stretched the US healthcare system to its limit.

Dr Haase says it takes the involvement of both patients and practitioners in order to fix the problem.  He says one of the most important things to do is to step back and ask one of the most important questions anyone should be asking, “What is your health for?” 

Join Dr. David Haase on this episode of Super Humanizing as he gets interviewed in his own show by John Corcoran of Rise25 Media about his possible exposure to COVID-19, the two sides of healthcare, and the divide that bogs the system down. Dr. Haase also shares why it’s important to question what health is for and what individuals and the public sector can do to improve the creation of health. Stay tuned.