This is the Superhero Slate review for Marvel's Inhumans now showing at IMAX! Is a theatrical debut the right thing for a royal family? Are the reviews right or wrong about the shows quality? Is Lockjaw a good boy? Find out all our thoughts and more in this review!

This is the Superhero Slate review for Marvel's Inhumans now showing at IMAX! Is a theatrical debut the right thing for a royal family? Are the reviews right or wrong about the shows quality? Is Lockjaw a good boy? Find out all our thoughts and more in this review!

This podcast contains spoilers, but we're nice enough to let you know when those start!

Superhero Slate Review for Marvel's Inhumans now at IMAX Theaters!

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Mike – @MikeRoyerDesign, Instagram, PickledComics

Chris – @Valdan, Filmside Chats, ComicUI - Facebook & Twitter