Kara's quest to stop Astra is suddenly conflicted when Astra explains why Alura sentenced her, but Kara refuses to believe her story until she discovers the truth that her mother was trying to keep from finding out. It is also revealed that Astra used her battle against Supergirl as part of a plan to take over Lord Technologies, lead by her husband Non and his army of Kryptonians, prompting Alex and Hank to stop them. The Kryptonians are also employing kryptonite-shielding devices to protect them from the substance, although Hank takes out one after he discovered that Hank was an alien. Meanwhile Kara, James, Winn, and Lucy help Cat track down a hacker responsible for releasing Cat's e-mails, leading them to a CatCo executive who wants to oust Cat from the company. Cat reveals to Kara that she has a son that she has not seen in 24 years, and later tells Kara that she knows that she was Supergirl. Kara then races over to Lord Technologies to face off against Non.