Kara and Clark continue operating together in National City before he decides to return to Metropolis. However, they encounter Corben, who has turned into Project Cadmus' prototypical cyborg and challenges them by the kryptonite he empowered from. The DEO deduces that there is a mole who smuggled the kryptonite out. In another encounter with Corben, another Metallo-prototype goes on rampage in Metropolis without opposition. Alex finds the mole, who is killed by the Cadmus leader, who intends to destroy aliens. Winn manages to build an anti-kryptonite suit for Kara and Clark, who manage to defeat the Metallos by the help of Alex and Hank, respectively. Kara promises the Cadmus leader to find her. Hank entrusts the remaining kryptonite to Clark, who returns to Metropolis. Meanwhile, Cat introduces Kara to the latter's new boss, Snapper Carr, who does not like her and refuses to give her an assignment. Cat advises her to solve the problem herself, deciding to leave CatCo for other adventures, giving her place to James. Kara manages to prove her value to Snapper, who agrees to teach her. In the DEO, the alien man regains consciousness and attacks Kara.