Kara, Alex, and J'onn track down an armored alien known as the Master Jailer, whom they discover was a prison guard at Fort Rozz but has become a vigilante who kills alien fugitives, including those convicted of non-violent crimes, such as a professor sentences for drug smuggling. Kara confronts the Jailer but he takes her prisoner, and plans to execute her. Alex pinpoints his location near the prison crash site, and Kara is able to save the professor and defeat the Jailer. Meanwhile, Kara is steadfast against releasing Maxwell from the DEO's custody, but Cat assigns James and Lucy to investigate his disappearance. Tensions between James and Lucy develop after he finds out that Lucy photographed a DEO vehicle and revealed his knowledge of the organization, prompting James to convince Kara to release Maxwell. Kara finds competition with new CatCo assistant Siobhan Smythe, who vows to make life miserable for Kara. And as Kara and Non pay their final respects to Astra, Non warns her that she will be next. Kara attempts to seek out the truth about Myriad, only to find out that she is being kept from finding out from J'onn, and realizes that she cannot forgive him for killing her aunt.