Sleep- a naturally recurring altered state of consciousness in which all our vital systems get restored, and our psyche unfurls. The timing of our sleep depends on hormonal signals from the circadian clock- the circadian clock synchronises with solar time (light). Naturally, when our circadian clock shifts out of rhythm-sleep quality and overall vitality will be affected. However, as we will learn in today's episode with Australia's leading sleep expert Olivia Arezzolo- it is also the psychology and somatics of sleep that cradle sleep issues and disorders into existence.

The subject of sleep from the Tao is something that weaves its way into many conversations on the podcast- last year Mason recorded a brilliant episode with Qi practitioner Jost Sauer, The Importance of Sleep For Healthy Hun and Qi. Today, sleep expert Olivia Arezzolo moves beyond the top-line sleep supports (no blue light/devices before bed, magnesium, diet, dark room, routine etc.) to the deeper elements at play causing havoc with people's rest. We're talking about the stories and beliefs that exist around sleep- "I'm a light sleeper", "I've always been a bad sleeper", "I've just got too much on at the moment", "I can't sleep because I'm stressed". 

Olivia's repertoire of studies is one of the things that make her approach to guiding people to better sleep so successful. With studies in psychology, sleep psychology, personal development, nutrition, and fitness- her guidance to better sleep is a symbiotic combination of all these elements. Her coaching and programmes provide people with a step-by-step guide to long-term healthy sleep practices that work.

Within Olivia's work, there is a distinct consideration for the Yin and the Yang- an integration of practical sleep support tools and the assertion of more complex psychological factors that sabotage sleep. 

Olivia discusses the three chronotypes of sleep that most people fit into, which she has also written a book about (Bear, Lion, Wolf). Olivia explains how the chronotypes reflect one's inherent circadian rhythm preference, and through knowing our 'Sleep type'- the path to better sound sleep will become one of less resistance.

Tune in, and scroll down for lots of beautiful resources Olivia offers on her website, including the chronotype quiz- where you can discover and learn more about your sleep type.


In this episode Olivia and Mason discuss:

-Sleep anxiety.

-Sleep saboteurs.

-Sleep psychology.

-Sleep chronotypes.

-Sleep support tools.

-Why sleep guidance/coaching?

-Personal development for sleep.

-Embracing the Yin for better sleep.

-Being fluid within our sleep structure.

-Basic (fundamental) supporters of sleep.

-Living in alignment with the Dao for sound sleep.

-Sleep strategies that are accessible for everyone.

-How lack of sleep affects our hormones and health.

-CBTI therapy (cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia)

Resource guide

Olivia's website 

Chronotype quiz

Olivia's Sleep Kit

Olivia's Instagram

Bear, Lion or Wolf- Book

email: [email protected]





Ashwagandha capsules

Sweet Dreams Bundle 

Relevant Articles: 

Sleep: Our Top10 Tips (article)

Sleepy Ashwagandha Milk (recipe)

The Amazing Benefits of Adaptogen Ashwagandha

Relevant Podcasts:

Reishi, Mushroom of Immortality with Dan Sipple (EP#08)

The Importance of Sleep For Healthy Hun and Qi with Jost Sauer (EP#102)


Check Out The Transcript Here: