Previous Episode: Hawkeye Season 1 Episode 5

The Flash Armageddon event wrapped up pretty nicely. We get a conclusion to the Thawne/Allen rivalry (for now) with Barry saving Thawne's life by removing his speed. We also get a visit from Mia who seems to be sticking around for a while. Looks like we might end up with a bit of the story they were trying to do with the Green Arrow spin off. 
What really works for this episode is that it centers on Barry being a hero and what that means. In this case it means deciding if they should let Thawne die or help save his life, despite all that he's done. With a little nudge from Joe, Barry and Iris make the right call (until of course Thawne gets his speed back and kills again). 
And then there's the gold boots. Finally. Taken 8 seasons but they're finally here and they looked great. More of this please
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