The Flash is finally back from a small break and Dpalm & Kriss are here to pick right back up with the review. This was a fun episode. Clearly the show has been working on it's CG cause an episode had both King Shark and Gorilla Grodd looking pretty good. Also, as a bit of a tangent, the epic meeting between these two gets Kriss & Dpalm to talk about their VERY RATIONAL fear of bears...aka land sharks. Other things we liked in this episode:

Welcome back Jesse L Martin
Of course the "Meta-Cure" was used against someone's will. We're X-Men fans. We know how this turns out
What's up with Sherloque acting weird when the team mentions Harry from Earth-2?

Also we talk about the news of Arrow coming to an end next season with a 10 episode run and how much they've earned a proper send off.
Kriss and Dpalm record the Mailbag at the end of every month. If you want to send in your own questions and thoughts, email us: [email protected]

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