Kriss and Dpalm are back to review the latest episodes of Legends of Tomorrow and The Flash. On Legends, we see the trend continuing of the Legends being stuck in history and trying to keep a low profile but not pulling it off. The Legends are doing the thing that's always talked about in time travel. If you go back in time and see injustices happening, do you just sit back and not do anything because you need to "protect the timeline" or do you do the morally correct thing? We also see that evil Gideon has been busy and has created a team of evil robot Legends so that should be fun to deal with.
On the Flash side our suspicious are confirmed. Joe West is dead. We're not the only ones just receiving that news as Barry is shocked to learn that Joe's been dead for 6 months. Of course for Despero this just just more evidence that Barry is going bad. Barry also lost his job because he's under investigation and Star Labs is condemned. To us, this all smells like Thawne. Thawne can't beat Barry one-on-one now and Thawne causing everything around Barry to collapse feels right up his alley.

16:51: The Flash Season 8 Episode 2 Review

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