1st Place: “Mother-Hunger,” by Dayna Patterson. As an LDS missionary, Patterson feels the pull of the Divine Feminine when she enters a Catholic basilica. “Why would I want to rob these people of a Mother to pray to, when I had no Mother to pray to? The guilt was laced with envy—how delicious would …

From the 1988 Sunstone Symposium

Presentation: Is Cain the Next Lucifer?


Vern G. Swanson, (Ph.D., Courtland Institute of Art, University of London) has taught art and art history at Auburn University and is currently the director of the Springville (Utah) Museum of Art.

Thomas A. Blakely, Ph.D., University of Utah




Abstract: Looking at scripture and Mormon history, is there a case to be made for Cain becoming a Lucifer?

Sunstone 1988, 045: Is Cain the Next Lucifer?

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