Comedy Podcast roasting the 'Game of Monarchy' with special guest comedian Geoff Norcott. The Sunday Spit Roast team try to get to the bottom of this idea. Is it right to have a ruler? Is it just a historic idea which is good for tourism? Do the Royals behave themselves well or are they just a bunch of privileged yobbos.

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Running time: 34 minutes 52 seconds

Rule Britannia, Britannia rules the waves?

Or engaging the inner Roundhead or Cavalier.

Henry VIII. The creator of recreational drug measurements

Do you feel more like a subject than a citizen? Well you are, and bloody well get used to it!

Welcome to living under a Monarchy, the age old institution which puts one person on a great chair and everyone else on crap ones!

Game of Monarchy is a comedy podcast episode from the Sunday Spit Roast team which tries to get to the bottom of this idea. Is it right to have a ruler? Is it just a historic idea which is good for tourism? Do the Royals behave themselves or are they just a bunch of over-privileged yobbos.

Featured in this episode:

Is Prince Philip the royal version of Frankie Boyle?
Is Prince Andrew’s playboy-lifestyle just a cover?
Does Prince Charlies have a servant for every occasion?


Our special guest on this episode is the fantastic and very funny comedian:

Geoff Norcott (@GeoffNorcott)

Geoff is not a Monarchist, he just likes them

From a nomination for ‘Best New Show’ at Dave’s Leicester Comedy festival to a commissioned writing job on the ‘Sarah Millican Television Programme’.

Live stand up show ‘Geoff Norcott Occasionally Sells Out’ was nominated as ‘Best New Show after it’s first outing at the Leicester Comedy Festival. He then took the show on a short tour of the North – supporting Sarah Millican – before hitting the Edinburgh festival where he played to sold out crowds and rave reviews.

On the live circuit, Geoff continues to regularly headline the top clubs, including The Comedy Store, Glee clubs, Komedia and many more. Geoff also closes big shows all around the world, in the last 12 months he has performed in China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Egypt and Jersey. All of which was capped by receiving an operational services medal for his five tours of forward positions in Afghanistan.

“Geoff Norcott is a comedian with a big future.” Daily Mirror

“High energy and satirical.” Time Out

“He finds fresh ways into his material.” The Independent

As usual this show is hosted by it’s three regular hosts: Damian Kingsley, Charlie Standton and Frank Cassidy

Feedback is a wonderful thing. Please feel free to contact us via Facebook or Twitter @SundaySpitRoast with any thoughts or suggestions about the show.

Peace and love, FD&C!

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