Education Roast with guest comics Romesh Ranganathan (star of Live at the Apollo and disillusioned former Maths teacher), Ria Lina whose acclaimed Edinburgh show about taking her kids out of school is set to become a radio 4 special and Francis Foster (Leicester Square New Comedian Finalist and grumpy primary school teacher).

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Running time: 56 minutes 52 seconds

Is Education all that it’s cracked up to be?

After some introductory catch-up waffle, this episode takes the SSR team Frank, Damian and Charlie back to school to have a fresh, critical and completely uniformed look at what works and doesn’t work in Education.

Are we taught things that are useful?
Is school where we actually do most of our learning and is there really any place for geography and CDT now we have google and Ikea?

Joining the SSR regulars are 3 special guests comics with unique perspectives on Education.

Romesh Ranganathan

Romesh as a dangerous mind

Dry and cynical Romesh Ranganathan, star of Mock the Week, Live at the Apollo and Edinburgh Fringe Best Show nominee used to be a Maths teacher and he shares some of his frustrations and experiences of life in the classroom.

Check out Romesh’s website or follow him on Twitter @RomeshRanga

Francis Forster

Francis teaches your children

Francis is an up-and-coming circuit comic who’s been in several big competition finals brings huge disdain for teaching to the table in a hilarious chat about his work in a primary school.

Why not follow Francis on Twitter @FailingHuman

Ria Lina

Ria has issues with Education

Our third guest comic, Ria Lina had an acclaimed Edinburgh stand up show, “School of Riason” about taking her kids out of school and the creation of her own alternative curriculum.

Check out Ria’s website or follow him on Twitter @EttieBoo


Feedback is a wonderful thing. Please feel free to contact us via Facebook or Twitter @SundaySpitRoast with any thoughts or suggestions about the show.

Peace and love, FD&C!

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