[00:00] Intro

[01:23] Nathan is getting a baby surprise

[04:54] Andrew has fallen off the wagon and straight into the Broken Isles

[14:13] Our favourite things what did us a scare

Let's News!

[27:13] Overwatch Halloween Event

[29:39] The US Department of Energy's internal correspondence Re: Stranger Things [LINK]

[33:07] There's a website that's archive screen shots of soda machines in video games [LINK]

[34:47] Thumper is a rhythm game and it serious looks like it would kill people in horror movies [LINK]

[37:23] Greg Sestero and... you guessed it... Tommy Wiseau team up again in Best F[r]iends [LINK]

[41:30] Ridin' the .wav

[48:01] Commercials

[54:28] Stargate SG-1 - S02E02 - In the Line of Duty recap

[60:42] Stargate SG-1 - S02E03 - Prisoners recap

[67:18] Stargate SG-1 - S02E04 - The Gamekeeper recap