[00:00] Intro

[01:32] Nathan Bought a Humble Bundle

[05:39] Andrew feels very Canadian

Let's News!

[14:16] @DungeonsDonald is pretty great! [ LINK ]

[16:05] Jared Leto joins the cast of the Blade Runner Sequel. How do we feel about the Blade Runner Sequel? How do we feel about Jared Leto? How do you even pronounce Leto? [ LINK ]

[26:55] Nathan's Komedy Korner

[27:54] Ridin' the .wav

[34:03] Commercials


[39:12] Stargate SG-1 S01E14 - Singularity Recap

[50:48] Mr. Robot S02E03 - eps2.1k3rnel-pan1c.ksd Recap

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