January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Elizabeth Melendez Fisher Good is the CEO and co-founder of Selah Freedom and the Selah Way Foundation, which exists to prevent sexual abuse, exploitation, and sex trafficking of children and young adults. Elizabeth is also the author of a new book which reveals how sexual exploitation and other exploitation begins at a very young age, and how we can become healed, and empowered to make changes: Groomed--Overcoming the Messages That Shaped Our Past and Limit Our Future.

One key way to make a difference now is to call our Federal representatives to support House Bill 4388 which provides for the implementation of curricula for training students, teachers, and school personnel to understand, recognize, prevent, and respond to signs of human trafficking and exploitation in children and youth. It included age-appropriate curricula for students from K-12.



January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Elizabeth Melendez Fisher Good is the CEO and co-founder of Selah Freedom and the Selah Way Foundation, which exists to prevent sexual abuse, exploitation, and sex trafficking of children and young adults. Elizabeth is also the author of a new book which reveals how sexual exploitation and other exploitation begins at a very young age, and how we can become healed, and empowered to make changes: Groomed--Overcoming the Messages That Shaped Our Past and Limit Our Future.

One key way to make a difference now is to call our Federal representatives to support House Bill 4388 which provides for the implementation of curricula for training students, teachers, and school personnel to understand, recognize, prevent, and respond to signs of human trafficking and exploitation in children and youth. It included age-appropriate curricula for students from K-12.

