In this very first episode of Suicide Pages for the Year 2021, we are continuing with what I am dubbing our "trauma series". We have been interviewing social workers, therapists, and the likes in the past several episodes, and so is this one.

Today, Stephanie, our guest talks about the effects of a parent AND a sibling suicide. What that is like. Who these people are. What their lives were like. She also sheds much-needed light on the "Life of a Suicide-Loss Survivor". 

Find out how she has somehow found a way to turn her pain and sorrow into a passion to help others. What did she do, and more importantly, how is she doing it? What were her own struggles if any with suicidal behavior? And how is her family currently dealing with all that hurt?


"I was always talked around"

"Find a safe space...whatever that looks like"

"I really love solitude"

Where to find:

In Missouri, and online @

On IG; @mohealing2020

We are off to a great start this year.!

After a year like 2020 with so much loss and sadness, here is hoping for a fantastic new year for all listeners!

Dr. L


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