This week, we talk with Ms. Sade Cutler. An African American woman who was treated so wrong by her former place of work to add to the list of traumatic events that piled up in her life, ranging from a pulmonary embolus to 8 miscarriages to being laid off from work and everything else in between!

Ms. Sade shares her heart-wrenching story in this episode...

Find out what she said that made me use some explicit choice words...

Thankfully, she is "sur-thriving" today and is even helping others cope with their anxiety and depression through her own work as a mental health counselor. 


"God just let me meet him"

"Keep the faith and be encouraged"

"This is a moment in time"

Where to find and follow and support her:

Instagram: @ M. E. Impact

Website: My Empowering Impact 

If you or anyone you know is feeling suicidal, call 1800-273-TALK or 1800-SUICIDE

Be safe out there!

Dr. L


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