My second guest this week has the most incredible story.

She has been depressed and suicidal since the age of 6 or 7!

Losing her beloved father as a child was a very difficult life blow for her, and she struggled for years "looking for love in all the wrong places, with a broken heart".

Thankfully, she found healing with "inner guidance", and rid herself of all the chronic ailments including thyroid disease, fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome!

Today, she is a transformational coach and energy healer.

She is helping others cross over to the other side, with minimal pain.

She is a shining star and a bright light.

Find out how she did it, and what it took.


"I felt very unloved"

"It is possible to thrive"

"When you are needy, you try to control things"

Where to find her:

PS: Join her and some more awesome "sur-thrivors" like you for an awesome event coming up in November by clicking the link below:

There are life coaches, there are motivational speakers, but what about motivational life coaches?

Well, guess what?

I am getting certified as a (motivational) life coach!


Are you stuck trying to make a tough life decision?

Worried about what the next step in your life would be?

Think you cannot move forward?


Let's talk...I will help you get past that midset... I guarantee it!

Coach-Dr. Lulu


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