This week's first guest, in the person of Dr. Ball is another Black girl who rocks!

In honor of the international day of the girl child that was on 10/11/2020, I am featuring two Black girls who rock, and she is one of them!

She talks candidly as one of the 19 physicians I interviewed for my Covid-19 Doctor Chronicles about a serious family health crisis in her own mother during the lockdown and the stress of dealing with that. 

Describing herself as an extroverted-introvert, she shares about the need for "adapting", "pivoting", and "camelionizing", as ways to beat this new normal of a pandemic.

Focusing on family and togetherness and the need to be each other's keepers, she endorses the role of technology in all of it, and is happy to state that physicians more than any other time, need to be each others' keepers and have multiple streams of income.


"We complain so much about being indoors, but, there are homeless people out there who are simply too happy to just be alive"

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