After he went to sleep next to his wife and woke up at the kitchen window, with his wife dying within minutes...anyone else would have been thrown into a fit of depression, and worthlessness, and despair. 

But not Bobby Petrocelli!

Defying the odds to become a motivational and inspirational speaker, Bobby reached deep down and found the strength to take life literally one moment at a time.

He has written and co-written so many books and has spoken to all places and worked with all people. 

His is an incredible story of strength, tenacity, and resiliency.


"They are allowing the hurt and the pain to define them"

"We not only rob ourselves, but we also rob other people of our greatness"

"I came to school today to say goodbye"

"You either run away from your past or you learn from it"

"You don't go to the gym to find a muscle, you go to build it"

"A little of something is better than all of nothing"


You Matter: It Doesn't 

10 Seconds Will Can Change Your Life Forever

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