The Glycemic Index (GI). What is it? Why do we need to know about it in the world of Type 1 Diabetes Management?

In short, the Glycemic Index is a scale from 1 to 100 that tells you how fast and how hard a food will effect blood sugar levels. Scores at or near 100 will be converted to glucose almost immediately.

Andi Balog, a personal trainer and T1D nutritionist joins me on today's episode to discuss the GI index, her own journey as a Type 1 Diabetic and her passion for helping women with T1D lose weight.

Personally, I like to know the GI of foods to help me determine how I am going to bolus for certain foods and meals. It helps me decide how long the prebolus should be, do I need to split the dose or extend the bolus? Do I need to make any temp basal changes to cover the meal properly? The GI index is another tool I use to help me manage my daughter's Type 1 and use the insulin to the best of my knowledge. Enjoy the episode and see below for links mentioned in the show and where you can find Andi.

Andi's website for her business, Fit Little Peanut
Andi's Instagram @thet1dnutritionist
The Time Zone Converter Website
Website to look at GI of certain foods 

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