Next Episode: Belief

Stephen Dela Cruz is known to be a visionary and he’s here to help you with your vision.  Stephen explains how a person without vision dies, meaning you can be alive but not truly living a life with purpose. He adds on If you make money your primary vision, you have no vision. Take a moment to ask yourself this, what is my vision? The answer to this question is it has to be way bigger than you. For instance, the word Television originated from Walt Disney Tell-A-Vision to be able to raise funds to help build Disneyland. A true visionary who made his outrageous dreams become a reality and surrounded himself with visionaries like himself. One common question Stephen asks himself when coaching is, who is that person in front of me? Who are they meant to be? Now ask yourself, what is my life purpose and how can I serve other people? Stephen says, if your vision’s not big enough, it’s not a vision. With all that was said, it’s time to take action. Write down your purpose and vision to create a road map to success.