My name is Brian Drury and I recently turned 25 years old. Like many of you, I was told a story my whole life, a story that went something like this… “Work hard at school, get good grades, go to a good college, get good grades, and then you’ll graduate and get a good job!” Now this seemed like it all made sense, this is what everyone does, this is what you are “supposed to do,” right? What I didn’t realize until I graduated was that this story is incomplete. This story implies that if you follow those steps, follow that simple formula, then after you graduate life is just going to work itself out. That happiness, success, peace, wellness, and everything else you could ever want will just come to you without any effort. As many of you who have graduated already or are about to have realized, this ain’t how it works. When I graduated, I had more questions than answers. I didn’t have a clear sense of who I was, what my next steps would be, or what I really wanted to do with my life. Then I slowly started finding out about the potential that life holds, reading about people who didn’t follow a normal path and are living extraordinary lives as a result. I wondered how they learned what they needed to so they could live their dream lives. That is where the idea for Overcoming Graduation came along. I am a young guy, with big dreams like so many of you out there and I want to learn how to do everything I’ve ever dreamt, I want to inspire others to do the same, and I want us to go on an adventure of creating lives that inspire, motivate, and spread joy to all around us. In this adventure, I will be interviewing incredible people and sharing their stories with you, I will be taking on monthly challenges to try and learn those things that college never taught us, and I will be writing about and sharing information to help you become the person you have always wanted to be, that you know you are meant to be, and that you deserve to be. Each day, each moment, is a blank canvas and a new opportunity for us to get off the path we don’t want to be on, and completely change course towards the life of our dreams. I am excited to go on this adventure with all of you and would love to have recommendations for people to interview, sites to feature, resources to review, books to read, videos to watch, you name it!