In this episode, Stephen goes over the fundamentals of time management and how, if you are not managing your time, you are wasting it. He also gives you the key to unlocking time management! As simple as it may be, it comes down to a choice. Will you choose to be proactive with your time or will you choose to waste it? Listen to Stephens tips now... 

Notes from this session:

The reason we created this podcast was to give value. Our mission statement is to help people become fulfilled, successful, and flourishing lives in both business and life. Money can be made back, but time you cannot bring back. Time is extremely important! Become a master at time management. There are kinds of ways to make money, the one thing you as an individual has control over is your time. "If you can't get ahold of your time, you will never get ahold of your life." It's a priority thing. Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, they have the exact same amount of time as we do. What makes the successful entrepreneurs different? It's really taking a hold and mastering time management. How do you do it? Write it out! We think we have it all down, in our minds, however that doesn't work. We waste the rest of our time because we don't have a plan. 168 hours in a week: 56 hours sleeping 40 hours working 42 hours eating/commuting/etc 30 hours to PURSUE your dreams What are you doing in your 30 hours of spare time? Figure out how your wasting it. Time is like money, you can spend it, you can invest it, or you can waste it. Are you being productive? Everything should bring you a return, an ROI or ROE (Return On Investment or Return On Energy) Figure out a way to maximize your time and make money on things you already do. Don't just say "I have it in my mind.", your mind will fail you. Write it down, schedule it out. Set reminders on your phone. Set times to check emails, prioritize. Prioritize your life around taking charge of your life. Is what I'm doing more important than what someone would present to me? Ask yourself what is truly more important to you. How are you taking charge of your time? You are where you are today because of what you have been doing. Getting Things Done by David Allen Remember to plan out time for you. Ask yourself if what you're doing will bring you more value or not. Check out our video content on Facebook, updated daily:

In this episode, Stephen goes over the fundamentals of time management and how, if you are not managing your time, you are wasting it. He also gives you the key to unlocking time management! As simple as it may be, it comes down to a choice. Will you choose to be proactive with your time or will you choose to waste it? Listen to Stephens tips now... 

Notes from this session:

The reason we created this podcast was to give value. Our mission statement is to help people become fulfilled, successful, and flourishing lives in both business and life. Money can be made back, but time you cannot bring back. Time is extremely important! Become a master at time management. There are kinds of ways to make money, the one thing you as an individual has control over is your time. "If you can't get ahold of your time, you will never get ahold of your life." It's a priority thing. Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, they have the exact same amount of time as we do. What makes the successful entrepreneurs different? It's really taking a hold and mastering time management. How do you do it? Write it out! We think we have it all down, in our minds, however that doesn't work. We waste the rest of our time because we don't have a plan. 168 hours in a week: 56 hours sleeping 40 hours working 42 hours eating/commuting/etc 30 hours to PURSUE your dreams What are you doing in your 30 hours of spare time? Figure out how your wasting it. Time is like money, you can spend it, you can invest it, or you can waste it. Are you being productive? Everything should bring you a return, an ROI or ROE (Return On Investment or Return On Energy) Figure out a way to maximize your time and make money on things you already do. Don't just say "I have it in my mind.", your mind will fail you. Write it down, schedule it out. Set reminders on your phone. Set times to check emails, prioritize. Prioritize your life around taking charge of your life. Is what I'm doing more important than what someone would present to me? Ask yourself what is truly more important to you. How are you taking charge of your time? You are where you are today because of what you have been doing. Getting Things Done by David Allen Remember to plan out time for you. Ask yourself if what you're doing will bring you more value or not. Check out our video content on Facebook, updated daily: