Previous Episode: ST1 : TEAM

Notes from this episode:

Stephen introduces Jen and Casey. Jen owns La Vie link Jen was born and raised in the Phillipines, moved to the US at 12 years old. Jen had been around entrepreneurship her whole life, her mom used to sell things like Tupperware. She started herself at 16 years old, she would walk dogs and drive people around for spare cash. Casey moved to Cali from Florida 5 years ago. She was also exposed to entrepreneurship young, her mom was a free-lance henna artist. She was always encouraged to go to school and get good grades. Her entrepreneurial journey started at 20 when she met Stephen and Angela. They helped her to get out of her mental state and get into a better place in life. "It all comes down to choice." How do you manage it all? GSD Mode: Get Sh*t Done Separate your life into different categories. Examples: Fitness, Health, Finances, ETC 1. Identify your goal. 2. Identify the problems and obstacles keeping you from reaching your goal. 3. Identify the MUST do action steps to achieving your goal. GSD Example: Category - Financial 1. Goal - Pay off $5000 credit card. 2. Obstacles - Not enough money, difference between want & need, not having a plan 3. Action Steps - Budgeting "More money - more problems." "If you fail to plan, you're planning to fail." "What is tracked and measured can be improved." Do this GSD Mode in every area of your life, pick one goal in each area. "People tend to OVER estimate what they can do in a short period of a time, and UNDER estimate what they can accomplish in a long period of time." Revisit and redo these goals once every 90 days, to track and improve. People get overwhelmed when they set too many goals all at once. Need vs. want comes down to mindset, goals, and prioritizing.  We end up making decisions based on what we want now vs what can be beneficial in the future. The final "unspoken" step of GSD is ACTION. If there is no implementation, it's just a dream. "Success is not in addition, it's in elimination." Cut out the things that are not serving you. Imagine waking up and being totally free. GSD is a key to having a fulfilled, successful, and flourishing life.