In today's LEADERSHIP NOW episode, Jamy Bechler shares his two takeaways on the U.S. 100m dash champion (Sha'Carri Richardson) getting disqualified and banned from the upcoming Olympics for using marijuana.

The LEADERSHIP NOW episodes examine a current topic in the world of sports and leadership in less than five minutes.

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Thanks again for listening and remember that “Success is a choice. What choice will you make today?”


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Jamy Bechler is the author of three books including The Bus Trip and The Leadership Playbook, host of the Success is a Choice Podcast, professional speaker, and trains organizations on creating championship cultures. He is also a certified John Maxwell leadership coach. Bechler spent 20 years as a college basketball coach and administrator. He has worked with businesses and teams, including the NBA. Follow him on Twitter at @CoachBechler. To connect with him via email or find out about his services, please contact [email protected]. You can also subscribe to his insights on success and leadership by clicking here.



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