Jennifer Sey appeared on the "Success is a Choice" podcast to talk about her amazing experiences and accomplishments. You'll find her story riveting. Some of the things Jennifer and host Jamy Bechler covered included ...

✅ Producing the Netflix documentary "Athlete A"
✅ Climbing the corporate ladder to become Chief Marketing Officer, and eventually President of the Levi's brand
✅ Breaking her leg in a horrific manner at the 1985 World Championship only to return in 9 months to win the U.S. National Championship.
✅ Writing "Chalked Up" and "Levi's Unbuttoned"
✅ Losing her job (and millions of dollars) because of a stand she took

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You can follow Jennifer on Twitter @JenniferSey or visit her website at

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The "Success is a Choice" podcasting network consists of different episodes, series, and interviews that provide education, insights, and entertainment on a variety of topics. The network is run by leadership expert, author, and speaker Jamy Bechler.

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Jamy Bechler is the author of five books including The Captain and The Bus Trip, host of the Success is a Choice Podcast, professional speaker, and trains organizations on creating championship cultures. He previously spent 20 years as a college basketball coach and administrator. is Bechler’s online program that helps athletes become better teammates and more positive leaders while strengthening a team’s culture. As a certified John Maxwell leadership coach, Bechler has worked with businesses and teams, including the NBA. Follow him on Twitter at @CoachBechler or visit his website at To connect with him via email or find out about his services, please contact [email protected].

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