Subject:CINEMA presents Captive Audience Theater #19 - July 12 2020

Welcome back to our new miniseries Captive Audience Theatre! Two or three times a week during the craziness of the world today, SC hosts TC and Kim bring you some of the worst movies ever made, for your "stay at home" quarantine viewing pleasure!  This time around, it's a road trip to Puerto Rico for one of Roger Corman's "Puerto Rico Trilogy" titles, 1960's apocalyptic "Last Woman On Earth"! Apologies for the wonky sound - we didn't know Kim's mic was having trouble until over 2/3 of the recording had been done...sorry about that...

This show is brought to you by Subject:CINEMA, which unfortunately is on an indefinite hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but it doesn't mean we can't keep you entertained!

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For full info on COVID-19 and up to date coverage of where it's happening check out the following:

US Center For Disease Control

World Heath Organization

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