We've got 3 great rounds of trivia planned for you on this episode currently airing on the Armstrong Neighborhood Channel!

ROUND 1: The Simpsons or Seinfeld
ROUND 2: Tri-Bonds
ROUND 3: Buzzer Lightening Rounds

Please support our guests:

Michael Colby

Wil "Wize" Otero
The host of Stuck In My Mind Podcast

Mark Charles III

April 12 – 14 – 3 Days of Live Trivia!
I am in the process of putting together a Trivia and Games Summit under a production company I started called, Poduty! This is a three day event. It’s going to run April 12 through April 14. If you just remember this URL, http://triviasummit.live

That’ll take you to the registration page.

We have Carmela Smith from FourPlay, we have the guys from the Triviality PodcastGame Show ReadyWho will save Generation X?,

Something, Something, Birds, is coming back with a special 30 minute pre recorded episode. That’s going to be phenomenal. LIVE From the Beach Bungalow, The Stuff I Never Knew Trivia Game Show PodcastPowerPoint Showdown. And more! 

$500 of Added Bonus Cash and Prize Money!