Our guest is the award-winning science journalist Melinda Wenner Moyer, whose work appears in Slate, Scientific American, and The New York Times. She's also a parent, and she joins us to discuss her first book, which is just out. "How to Raise Kids Who Aren't A**holes: Science-Based Strategies for Better Parenting -- from Tots to Teens" is a guidebook focused on the many various concerns that moms and dads actually have in today's America. From respectfully navigating social media and avoiding bullying to rejecting hate and cruelty and racism -- and from seeking out kindness and practicing empathy to developing a lifelong ethical compass -- this book aims to show us how to raise the kind of people we'd actually want to hang out with. Per a starred review in Publishers Weekly: "Blending an upbeat, humorous tone with straightforward advice, Wenner Moyer crafts a winning guide for parents who wish to build a 'better, fairer, stronger world.' This delightful mix of strategy and humor