On this edition of ST, we look into the upcoming Tulsa Chautauqua 2021, a virtual festival happening next week (June 8th through the 12th) on the theme of "20th Century Visionaries: Catalysts for Change." For this series of events -- which will be presented this year in an online-only format -- five different scholar/performers will offer entertaining and educational presentations and workshops on the lives of Gene Rodenberry, Gertrude Bell, Marshall McLuhan, Marie Curie, and Frank Lloyd Wright. For each of these important historical figures, an individual has extensively researched their life and work -- and thus each individual will "perform" these personae in period costumes. Our guests today are the scholar/performers who will present Rodenberry and McLuhan. For more information on this free festival, or to register, please go to the Tulsa Chautauqua 2021 website .